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Love Island catch-up: Tommy can't decide between Maura and Molly-Mae, and three other talking points

All the latest from the Spanish villa

Clémence Michallon
Friday 14 June 2019 21:40 BST
Love Island Maura tries to kiss Tommy

Love Island returned for an action-packed episode on Friday as a new love triangle emerged in the Spanish villa.

Tommy currently finds himself torn between Maura and Molly-Mae, both of whom have made their affection for him rather clear.

Other islanders had plenty of camera time too – especially Yewande and Danny as well as Lucie and Amy, albeit for very different reasons.

Tommy's torn between Molly-Mae and Maura

This was the main storyline of Friday's episode: newcomer Maura has very openly set her sights on Tommy, who remains officially paired up with Molly-Mae. Tommy's clearly attracted to Maura and felt as though Molly-Mae hadn't been forthcoming enough about her own feelings towards him. Even after Molly-Mae officially told Tommy that she likes him, the boxer couldn't bring himself to make a choice between the two islanders. Molly-Mae and Maura had a couple of tense conversations, during which Molly-Mae made it clear that she was displeased by Maura's decision to pursue Tommy without informing her first. Maura, meanwhile, remains unapologetic and tried to kiss Tommy – though he only offered up his cheek. Tommy did try to spend a night on the couch instead of his bed (which he shares with Molly-Mae) but ended up giving up – though he did assure Maura the next morning that he hadn't even looked at Molly-Mae. That situation is sure to be the source of much drama in future episodes.

Love Island Tommy and Maura chat

Yewande and Danny finally kiss

In a surprisingly sweet sequence, Yewande and Danny finally had their first kiss! Both islanders had been flirting with each other for several days now. Danny made sure Yewande was willing to share a kiss with him before he went for it, so points for this lesson on affirmative consent on mainstream television. Amber and Michael, who were watching, could barely contain their excitement – which, sure, seems a bit teenagery, but still cute.

love island Yewande and Danny kiss

Lucie and Amy struggle to patch things up

Amy told other islanders that she felt as though Lucie (who sought advice from Amy earlier in the show when she found herself torn between Tommy and Joe – a storyline that feels like it happened in another life, at this point) was spending less and less time with the female participants in the villa. Lucie tried to explain that she has an easier time bonding with men than women, but Amy felt like she had been cast aside. Even though both women tried to talk it out, the situation seems unresolved. They still ended their chat with a hug, but we'll see what happens in the future.

Love Island Lucie says she's never had a boy friend

Amber and Michael are still going strong

Amber and Michael, who are still paired up, had a bit of a fight in last night's episode. Today's episode indicates that they have smoothed things over for now. While Amber was involved in many tense chats, most of them had to do with the Molly-Mae / Tommy / Maura situation rather than her own couple. Proof – for now – that reconciliation is indeed possible in the Spanish villa.

Catch up on Friday's episode with our live blog:

Please allow a moment for the live blog to load.


Molly-Mae is still upset about Maura and Tommy's chemistry. Maura, meanwhile, rather admires Tommy's shoulders. As for Tommy, he's boxing shirtless in the sun.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:05

Maura says she's felt a connection with Tommy and had a lot of eye contact with him.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:07

Amber is very much siding with Molly-Mae, as is Yewande.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:07

Tommy says Maura is his type of woman because she's upfront. Honesty is, perhaps surprisingly, a quality often praised in the villa, where people spend a not insignificant chunk of their time gossipping about one another.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:08

Maura and Elma are chatting. Maura can't get over Tommy's shoulders. Elma doesn't appear to share her enthusiasm.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:09

Maura acknowledges that it's still early days for her but says she knows what she wants.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:10

Curtis got a text!

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:10

The men are going on a spa day! And they're all very excited.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:11

Cue slow-mo montage of the men heading to the spa.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:17

Curtis, Tommy and Joe are chatting about Molly-Mae. Curtis says she was "jealous" – presumably over the Maura and Tommy situation.

Clemence Michallon14 June 2019 21:18

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