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The Programme, week 2: Simon's exercises

Sunday 16 September 2001 00:00 BST

Suitcase workout


Running x2: run hard for 3 mins, jog/walk for 2 min. Repeat x5
Cycling: 2-3 hour mountain bike ride at weekend
Boxercise class
Squash game


Pressups x10 (slow, aim to fatigue at end) followed by 5 plyometric pressups (power up and clap hands in between each pressup). Repeat x2-3.
Squats: super slow x6 followed by 10x squat jumps. Repeat x2-3
Lunges: slow x10 each leg followed by a sprint up 2 flights of stairs, 2 at a time. Repeat x2-3.


Ab curl: 3x12, 20 secs rest.
Back Extensions: 3x12, 20 secs rest.


Chest stretch
Shoulder stretch
Hold for 25 secs each one, 3-7 times each week

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