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Inside Politics – Coronavirus special: Boris Johnson remains cautious over lockdown exit plan

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Adam Forrest
Thursday 30 April 2020 07:52 BST
Coronavirus: Raab says UK needs to be careful during period of 'maximum risk'

Desperate for a pint? Wetherspoons is counting on it. The chain plans to open its pubs in June – even though the government has yet to set out any lockdown end dates. It comes as police discovered drinkers hiding in the cupboards of a pub in Sheffield, allegedly breaking the rules. We don’t know if Boris Johnson wet the baby’s head after the birth of his son. We do know he will lead his first Downing Street press conference since his return to work – and is expected to dampen expectations that restrictions will be eased any time soon. I’m Adam Forrest, and welcome to The Independent’s daily Inside Politics briefing during the coronavirus crisis.

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