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Choice: Film

Wednesday 17 September 1997 23:02 BST

The Singing Ringing Tree, NFT, London SE1 (0171-928 3232) 6.15pm

Attention all thirtysomethings: the East German TV series that haunted a thousand childhoods is being screened tonight. Whoever dug up Francesco Stefani's classic children's film deserves the highest praise. Every time the National Film Theatre screens it, people flock to see this utterly surreal story - loosely based on a tale by the Brothers Grimm - in which a foot-stamping, bad-tempered, blonde princess sends a suitor off in search of the eponymous "singende klingende baumschen". Those who grew up watching it in black and white will be thrilled to see this story about the discovery of goodness via a disguised bear, a marooned fish and a magical garden, in glorious, super- saturated Agfa-colour.

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