Choice: Film

David Benedict
Saturday 27 December 1997 00:02 GMT

Mrs Brown, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry (01203 524524) 7.30pm

By now, many of us are tired of turkey sandwiches and more than a little anxious to escape the bosom of our families, so why not head off to see Spiceworld: The Movie. On the other hand, you could operate a policy of taste and discernment by going to see this instead. Mrs Brown is the film that has made Judi Dench's reputation in the USA, but that's hardly surprising. She has done little in the cinema and they think the word "Dame" means something entirely different. Meantime, watch her Queen Victoria switch from dumpy, grumpy and frumpy to sexy before your very eyes. It's been a great year for this great actress who can do low-, middle- and highbrow at the drop of a hat. See her spin straw into gold in the TV sitcom As Time Goes By; watch her act everyone off the screen doing a cameo in the latest James Bond or jump on a train in January and see her astonishingly funny, powerfully moving performance in the West End transfer of Amy's View.

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