Saturday 09 May 1998 23:02 BST

I understood and still believe that we were acting with the approval of Her Majesty's Government in assisting to restore President Kabbah.

Lt-Col Tim Spicer of Sandline International

Who's Mr Norris? Mr Norris is an official in the department. We sometimes call them teenyboppers. You know what I mean?

John Prescott, dealing with a memo from one of the Prime Minister's "interpreters"

Those were the most difficult hours I have experienced in Europe.

Helmut Kohl as the negotiations over the European Central Bank conclude

It really didn't matter which banker they gave the job to since they are all hardliners on monetary policy and use much the same methodology.

Cesar Molinas of Merrill Lynch Europe on the merits of Jean-Claude Trichet and Wim Duisenberg as future Presidents of the new European Central Bank

I'm sorry, but our writers don't like your government.

Roy Hudd explaining to Alastair Campbell why 'The News Huddlines' team would no longer be providing jokes for the Prime Minister's speeches

We only came because the Americans asked us.

Saeb Erekat, minister of Yasser Arafat, as the peace talks end in failure

I wasn't born with the skills of Best or Pele. My game is commitment. I am committed. I've been that all my life.

Alan Shearer defends himself

I would have to say that if the British government and British officials were involved In supplying arms, then the British people should be proud of their government.

Dr Julius Spencer, Sierra Leone Minister for Information

I can't remember the last two, so it is going to be very nice.

Arsenal captain Tony Adams looks forward to his third post-championship party

We will not be selling a McWhopper in the near future.

McDonald's reaction as Burger King launches the Big King to compete with the Big Mac

Pregnant women are not walking wombs, but individuals who have the same right as anyone else to refuse medical treatment and reject doctors' advice.

Ann Furedi, director of the Birth Control Trust

I don't see there's any ceasefire on when I'm lying here like this.

John Browne, knee-capped by Republican paramilitaries

The monarch now may be above reproach; but you can never tell what you are going to get. And there's not a lot to be said for such a lottery.

Canon Eric James, former chaplain to the Queen

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