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Sex Fruit, Nutella and Facebook: Some of the worst baby names in existence

France and New Zealand are among a number of countries with strict naming policies 

Mollie Goodfellow
Thursday 15 October 2015 13:15 BST
Mafia No Fear and Ikea are also among banned names
Mafia No Fear and Ikea are also among banned names (Getty Images)

A French couple have been banned from naming their son Prince William after a court ruled the use of the second-in-line to the throne's name could lead to a “lifetime of mockery”.

French courts have the authority to intervene in the naming of a child if it is decided doing so could protect a child “from a potential lifetime of mockery by overruling the parents”.

Unfortunately for some children, other countries do not exercise the same power.

Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii - A 9-year-old child in New Zealand was made a ward of the court after her parents named her this. The Judge, Rob Murfitt, explained the name “exposed her to teasing” and it “makes a fool of the child and sets her up with a social disability and handicap, unnecessarily”.

Sex Fruit - A name rejected by a court in New Zealand. Monikers including Mafia No Fear and Lucifer are also banned in the country.

Benson and Hedges (twins) - Both names were accepted by Kiwi officials.

Ikea - A British woman named her baby after the Swedish furniture shop in 2006.

Nutella - Earlier this year a French court banned a couple trying to name their child after the chocolate and hazelnut spread.

Metallica - A couple in Sweden hit trouble when trying to name their baby after the metal band.

Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 - Prounounced Albin, obviously, a Swedish couple were fined for trying to register this unapproved name.

Facebook - Anyone living in Mexico is forbidden from naming their offspring after the social-networking site.

Anus - Denmark has added this name to a list of forbidden names for it's citizens.

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