Mayor in wonderland

William Hartston
Monday 15 August 1994 23:02 BST

As the president of the Lewis Carroll Society, Ellis Hillman was delighted to propose an exhibition celebrating its 25th anniversary. As Mayor of Barnet, he was even more delighted to open it.

'Curiouser and curiouser]' you, like Alice, might think. But when the exhibition was planned and the decision made to ask the mayor to open it, Mr Hillman was still an opposition Labour councillor. After his party's strong performance in May's elections swept him into office, he accepted his own invitation.

So from now until October, Barnet's parks and libraries will be colonised by a series of Alice in Wonderland inspired events, (while the exhibition of Carrolliana will be on permanent display at the Church Farmhouse Museum, Greyhound Hill, Hendon. This includes the lesser known sides of the Rev Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll, as photographer, student of comparative religion and mathematician.

The mayor has not yet finalised plans for the remainder of his term of office, but the borough should take note: he is also president of the Flat Earth Society.

(Photograph omitted)

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