Woman and her Tinder match hit it off after realising they were both aboard the same flight

Real-life or Rom-com?

Chelsea Ritschel
in New York
Monday 22 January 2018 18:52 GMT
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A woman found herself on the unlikeliest of first dates after realising she was aboard the same flight to Dublin as her Tinder match.

Hannah, from Glasgow, was on her way to LA, via Dublin, when she happened to mention she was on the flight to her Tinder match, Nobel - and it turns out Nobel was on the same exact flight.

Upon realising the pair were on the same plane, Hannah began to live-tweet the happy coincidence.

She tweeted: “Everyone. I am flying to LA. I matched with someone on tinder last week who’s from LA (but in Glasgow) and he was giving me tips. I am now on the first leg of the journey to Dublin and HE’S ON MY PLANE. It seems I have been cast in a romcom without anyone telling me.”

Hannah then shared screenshots of her Tinder conversation, where the two realise the chances.

Nobel, who seemed excited at the possibility wrote: “Dude… you’re kidding me I’m on a flight to Dublin right now! Watch we're on the same flight”

Upon realising they are, in fact, aboard the same plane, Nobel invites Hannah to sit in seat 1B, the empty seat next to him.

Tweeting pictures of their conversations, Nobel wrote: “Anyway like I said if you wanted to swing by don’t be shy you’re welcome in 1B for the duration of the flight.”

Hannah live-tweeted her run-in with her Tinder match

Nobel then continued: “Btw I’m dressed like an absolute bum. I tend to fly OVERLY comfortable, sweatpants and fresh black hoodie.”

Hannah admits she is actually worried she looks entirely different from her pictures because she is also dressed like a mess from getting in late.

But despite their worries about their respective appearances, it turns out Hannah took up Nobel’s offer to join him in the spare seat - and the two hit it off.

Sounding more and more like a romantic comedy, Hannah later tweets: “So I moved seat. Now in Dublin but have both missed our flight have a night in Dublin hahahaha.”

And the date didn’t end once the pair landed - according to Hannah, the couple went for a drink too.

The couple continued getting to know each other once the plane landed

Updating her followers, Hannah tweeted: “In a hotel. I’m so tired. We’re going for a complimentary dinner together in the hotel. Then we are going to drink Guinness. Because Ireland.”

The couple then, according to Hannah’s tweets, ended up back in his hotel with a “bottle of wine and a TedX talk.”

It looks like this romantic comedy ended happily ever after - but no word on whether the couple was on the same flight to LA, too.

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