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Coronavirus news: First UK local lockdown imposed in Leicester as WHO chief warns pandemic ‘not even close to being over’

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Zoe Tidman,Harry Cockburn,Peter Stubley
Monday 29 June 2020 23:59 BST
Bill Gates says current coronavirus picture in US is 'more bleak' than he would have expected

Britain’s first local lockdown has been imposed in Leicester by the government after a surge in coronavirus cases in the city.

Health secretary Matt Hancock said schools and non-essential retail shops will have to close again, while existing anti-coronavirus measures would be extended for at least two weeks longer than the rest of the country.

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, has called the pandemic a “disaster” for the UK and made it clear he wants to boost infrastructure spending to help the economy.

Globally, the death toll for Covid-19 has topped half a million, while more than 10 million people have tested positive for the virus.

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Hancock due to give statement at 9pm

Health secretary Matt Hancock is expected to make a statement on the government's decision to impose a 'local lockdown' in Leicester due to a surge in coronavirus cases.

In practice it may simply mean that current restrictions would continue as they are now in the city for another two weeks, while the rest of England sees the reopening of pubs, restaurants, churches and other venues such as beauty salons and swimming pools from 4 July.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 20:54

Matt Hancock says coronavirus is now in decline at a national level, allowing the easing of restrictions.

He says local action has previously been taken in response to clusters of cases at a meat processing plant and GP surgeries.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:01

"Unfortunately while cases in most parts of the country have fallen since the peak, in Leicester they have continued to rise."

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:03

Leicester accounts for around 10 per cent of all positive cases in the country in the past week, he adds.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:03

Four mobile testing units have already been deployed in the city, along with home testing kits.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:03

"We cannot recommend that the easing of the national lockdown set for 4 July should happen in Leicester," says Matt Hancock.

Non-essential retail shops will have to close on Tuesday, and schools will have to close from Thursday he adds.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:05

The relaxation of shielding measures set for 6 July has also been postponed in Leicester.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:05

"We will keep all these measures under review" - with first review in two weeks.

The measures will also apply to the "surrounding conurbation" around Leicester, says Mr Hancock.

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:06

"We must control this virus, we must keep people safe."

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:08

Mr Hancock says he will be using powers under a statutory instrument being brought forward "very shortly".

Peter Stubley29 June 2020 21:15

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