This week's most popular Diggs: melting glacier, movie psychos and young stars

Tuesday 22 June 2010 22:46 BST
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The most popular news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on June 22.

1. Antarctic Glacier Melting due to Hidden Ice Ridge - an article hosted on that suggests rapid melting of the Antarctic glacier may be due to the increased flow of warmer sea water underneath it in recent years, not climate change.

2. Top 10 Movie Psychos of All Time -'s pick of the top ten movie psychos of all time includes Heath Ledger's role as The Joker, Sir Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of Hannibal Lecter and Robert De Niro's role as Travis Bickle in 1976 film "Taxi Driver".

3. Elijah and Macaulay - a photo of a young Macaulay Culkin and Elijah Wood hosted on

4. 'Toy Story 3' breaks HUGE at the box office - a article about Pixar's latest blockbuster, Toy Story 3, and the rest of the movies making it big at the box office during the week of June 20.

5. 'Pot Dad' losing custody of kids b/c of medical marijuana - a video report about a father who has been denied custody of his three children because he uses medical marijuana. Hosted on

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