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Monday 10 October 1994 23:02 BST

Sir Godfrey Agnew, former Clerk of the Privy Council, 81; Sir Anthony Beaumont-Dark, former MP, 62; Miss Maria Bueno, tennis player, 55; Sir Adam Butler, former MP and government minister, 63; Sir Bobby Charlton, footballer, 57; Vice-Admiral Sir John Coward, commandant, Royal College of Defence Studies, 57; Sir Timothy Daunt, former ambassador to Turkey, 59; Sir Michael Edwardes, company chairman, 64; Miss Dawn French, actress and comedienne, 37; Mr Geoffrey Haslam, insurance company director, 80; Sir Denys Henderson, chairman, ICI, 62; Mr Charles Jones, regional director, CBT Education Services, South East Asia, 60; Vice-Admiral Sir Ian McIntosh, 75; Mr Alan Pascoe, former Olympic hurdler, 47; Maj-Gen Francis Piggott, 84; Lord Prior, former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, 67; Dame Diana Reader Harris, former headmistress of Sherborne School for Girls, 82; Mr David Rendall, tenor, 46; Mr Jerome Robbins, choreographer, 76; Air Marshal Sir Michael Stear, 56; Lord Tordoff, former president of the Liberal Party, 66; Mr Thomas Wheare, headmaster of Bryanston School, 50; Mr Tony Worthington MP, 53.

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