Court Circular

Tuesday 27 October 1992 00:02 GMT


26 October: The Queen, accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of York and The Prince Edward, this evening attended an entertainment organised by the Royal Anniversary Trust to celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of Her Majesty's Accession at Earl's Court, London SW5.

Her Majesty and Their Royal Highnesses were received by the Chairman of the Trust (the Lord Younger of Prestwick) and Mr Robin Gill (Chairman, Organisation and Executive, and Trustee).

The Queen, accompanied by the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth (Chief Emeka Anyaoku), received the Commonwealth Mace and Goblets from children from the Commonwealth at the end of the Show.

The Prince and Princess of Wales; The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester; The Duke and Duchess of Kent; Prince and Princess Michael of Kent; and Princess Alexandra, the Hon Lady Ogilvy and the Hon Sir Angus Ogilvy were also present.

The Duchess of Grafton, the Right Hon Sir Robert Fellowes and Lieutenant-Colonel Blair Stewart- Wilson were in attendance.


26 October: The Prince of Wales, President, Royal Shakespeare Company, this afternoon attended the Everyman's Library Shakespeare Lunch at the Savoy Hotel, London WC1.

Miss Belinda Harley was in attendance.

His Royal Highness, Colonel-in- Chief, the Royal Regiment of Wales, subsequently received Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Kerruish on relinquishing command of the 1st Battalion at Kensington Palace.

26 October: The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon this morning visited the Northern Police Convalescent Home, Harrogate.

Her Royal Highness was received on arrival by The Lord Westbury (Deputy Lieutenant of North Yorkshire).

The Hon Mrs Wills was in attendance.

25 October: The Duke of Gloucester, President, the Britain-Nepal Society, this morning received His Excellency the Ambassador of Nepal (Major General Bharat Simba).


26 October: The Duchess of Kent today attended the Woman of the Year Luncheon, at the Savoy Hotel, London WC2.

Mrs Colin Marsh was in attendance.



The Queen holds an Investiture. The Duke of Edinburgh visits South Yorkshire. The Prince of Wales receives the Award Winners for the Duke of Cornwall's Award for Forestry and Conservation, run by the Royal Forestry Society of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, at St James's Palace, London SW1; and as Patron, Royal Opera House, accompanied by The Princess of Wales, attends the Gala performance of Otello at the Royal Opera House, London WC2. The Princess Royal, President, Save the Children Fund, attends the Save the Children Fund Annual Public Meeting at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham. The Duchess of Gloucester, Patron, Baby Life Support Systems, attends a private view of a photographic exhibition at the Royal College of Art, London SW7.

Changing of the Guard

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment mounts The Queen's Life Guard at Horse Guards, 11am.

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