Meet Stephen Green, the right-wing Christian Voice leader who went on a homophobic tirade against Stephen Fry and Benedict Cumberbatch

He described Fry's new husband as "wifey" and went on sarcastic hate-fuelled rant against his campaign to exonerate prosecuted gay men

Helen Nianias
Wednesday 11 February 2015 18:26 GMT

Stephen Fry and Benedict Cumberbatch have met with sarcastic opposition to their Alan Turing campaign.

Stephen Green spoke out against the campaign to pardon the 49,000 gay men prosecuted by the British government for their sexuality. Green is National Director of group Christian Voice and believes, among other things, that gay people with HIV who have sex should be executed.

In his video, he argues against the campaign by using heavy-handed sarcasm. Green describes Fry as "a practising homosexual" and remarks that "his entourage now includes wifey, little Elliott Spencer". Spencer became Fry's husband last month.

Cumberbatch and Fry put their names to the petition to clear the names of the thousands of men convicted for the crime of being gay, as Enigma codebreaker Turing was in 2013. Fry has also announced a campaign to get Turing on the £10 note.

Right-wing Green dismisses the petition, implying that it's an ignorant campaign. "It follows that if something is not against the law now, well, it never should have been. So all the men convicted of doing indecent, unsanitary, unhealthy, abusive and downright dangerous things on other men should obviously be pardoned."

The video, which is filmed in a park then cuts to a scene of a wooded area. "Now a lot of homosexual activity takes place with strangers in public toilets or in open spaces, like this picnic area."

Green, warming to his theme, continues: "On reflection, perhaps a pardon is not enough. If Stephen Fry and Mr Cumberbatch had had their wits about them, they could have been demanding for the men convicted British Empire medals for services to cottaging and cruising."

Tackling Fry's now-famous moral problem with God allowing bad things to happen, Green described him as "ignorant".

"Stephen Fry launched into a theologically ignorant tirade against God, asking how the almighty dare create every evil and every disease under the sun," Green said. "I suppose the almighty also created the iceberg that sunk the Titanic and you can't get any more evil than that."

Green has long been a controversial figure. He has previously argued that it is impossible for a husband to rape his wife, has described gay adoption as the Government "worshipping at the altar of diversity" and even managed to get vaguely riled over secular Christmas cards.

In 2011 his former wife Caroline Green accused him of domestic violence, but Green strenuously denied the allegations, calling them "a catalogue of smears and distortions". They are now divorced.

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