Tory leader has sinus operation

Colin Brown
Friday 26 June 1998 23:02 BST

THE TORY leader, William Hague, was last night recuperating after a routine operation to drain blocked sinuses, Conservative Central Office said.

Mr Hague, who has been off work for a week with flu and sinusitis, is now back at his Yorkshire home following the operation at Darlington Memorial Hospital, where he was treated as an NHS patient.

He was admitted to hospital for tests after feeling unwell for a number of days with an upper respiratory infection, which caused him to miss Prime Minister's Question Time. He was given a scan which found one sinus blocked, and had the operation under general anaesthetic.

A Tory party spokesman said Mr Hague would be speaking with his doctor over the weekend and deciding when to return to active duty.

Joseph Carlin, the ear, nose and throat consultant who saw the Tory leader, said: "Mr Hague's general good health should assist with a speedy recovery. He was very sensible to follow doctors' advice throughout this week. By putting his health first, he will make a full recovery much more quickly."

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