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Bingo hall murderer jailed for life

Wednesday 19 January 1994 00:02 GMT

(First Edition)

A MAN who stabbed to death his former girlfriend and her mother in front of more than 100 people in a bingo hall was jailed for life yesterday.

Durham Crown Court was told that Malcolm McEvoy stabbed 23-year-old Sharon Hall 18 times with a kitchen knife at the Essoldo bingo hall in Newcastle-upon-Tyne last April. He also stabbed Sharon's mother, Lilian, when she tried to stop him.

Mrs Hall, 60, of Newcastle, died shortly afterwards, but Sharon, the mother of McEvoy's four-year-old daughter, died nine days later.

McEvoy, 33, of Newcastle, admitted murdering Sharon. The prosecution accepted his guilty plea to the manslaughter of Mrs Hall.

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