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Theresa May wins Abu Qatada court appeal bid


Cathy Gordon
Wednesday 05 December 2012 19:21 GMT

Home Secretary Theresa May has been granted permission to appeal against the decision to allow radical preacher Abu Qatada to stay in the UK, court officials said today.

She has been given the go-ahead by the Court of Appeal.

A date for a hearing in London has not yet been set.

Last month the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) ruled that Qatada should not be deported to Jordan where he was convicted of terror charges in his absence in 1999.

A panel of three judges found that there was a risk that evidence obtained using torture would be used against the controversial cleric in a re-trial.

The SIAC judges ruled on November 12 that evidence from Qatada's former co-defendants Abu Hawsher and Al-Hamasher, said to have been obtained by torture, could be used against him in a retrial.

"The Secretary of State has not satisfied us that, on a retrial, there is no real risk that the impugned statements of Abu Hawsher and Al-Hamasher would be admitted probatively against the appellant," they said.

Mrs May immediately pledged to appeal and told the Commons that day that Jordan had given assurances about its legal processes.

She said: "Qatada is a dangerous man, a suspected terrorist, who is accused of serious crime in his home country of Jordan.

"The British Government has obtained from the Jordanian government assurances not just in relation to the treatment of Qatada himself, but about the quality of the legal processes that would be followed throughout his trial. We will therefore seek leave to appeal."

Qatada was immediately granted bail following the ruling and released from HMP Long Lartin, returning to his family home in north London.

He is said to have wide and high-level support among extremists, and featured in hate sermons found on videos in the flat of one of the September 11 bombers.

The extremist has battled deportation for over a decade and has so far thwarted every attempt by the Government to deport him.

Papers were lodged with the Court of Appeal seeking permission to appeal against the SIAC decision.

Permission has been granted on the papers by a single judge - the full appeal will be heard by three Court of Appeal judges.

A Home Office spokesperson said: "We are pleased that the Court of Appeal has granted us permission to appeal against SIAC's decision on the deportation of Abu Qatada.

"As we have said, the Government strongly disagrees with SIAC's ruling, and we remain committed to deporting this dangerous man."


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