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Storm Ciara news: Man killed by falling tree and more than 500 homes flooded amid heavy rains

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Samuel Osborne,Chiara Giordano
Monday 10 February 2020 19:32 GMT
Driver killed by falling tree during Storm Ciara

More than 20,000 homes have spent the night without power as the UK continues to reel from Storm Ciara.

UK Power Networks reported more than 18,500 properties across the east and southeast of England were still without power as of 5am Monday while Western Power Distribution said more than 2,800 homes were in the dark.

Parts of the UK continue to brace for blizzards and up to 20cm of snow in the wake of the storm, with travel disruption set to continue.

Some areas saw a month and a half’s rainfall in just 24 hours and gusts of more than 90mph swept across the country on Sunday. Meanwhile, 178 flood warnings in place across the country.


Kite surfer catapulted through air in 94mph Storm Ciara winds

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 16:42

Ciara floods 500 homes


Geese take advantage of the conditions as floodwater fills the streets of Hebden Bridge, northern England (AFP)

More than 500 properties are believed to have been flooded during Storm Ciara, according to the environment secretary, with the number expected to rise further.

Theresa Villiers said between 40 and 80cm of rain had fallen within 24 hours across much of northern England, noting the highest levels were recorded in Cumbria with 179.8cm.

Making a statement to MPs, she told the Commons: "Particularly severe impacts have been felt in Yorkshire along the River Calder, in Lancashire along the River Ribble, in Great Manchester along the Irwell and in Appleby on the Eden."

Ms Villiers added: "The current estimate is that over 500 properties have been flooded but this number is expected to increase as further information is collected.

"The latest number of properties confirmed to have been flooded are 40 in Cumbria, 100 in Lancashire, 150 in Greater Manchester and 260 in Yorkshire."

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 16:57

High river levels expected, environment secretary warns

Ms Villiers said river levels in West Yorkshire and Lancashire are receding, before warning: "We must expect high river levels further down the stream in South Yorkshire over the next few days.

"So we urge people in at-risk areas to remain vigilant, not to take unnecessary risks and to sign-up to receive Environment Agency flood alerts.

"Some coastal flooding is probable tomorrow but is not expected to be in the more serious category."

Ms Villiers added "at least 25,000 properties and businesses" in flood-hit areas were "successfully protected" by flood defences over the weekend, telling MPs: "We know more needs to be done and we are determined to deliver."

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 17:08

Wall of guest house collapses into river as storm batters the Borders

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 17:33

'Comprehensive' plan for flooding needed, shadow environment secretary says

Luke Pollard, the shadow environment secretary, has said a "comprehensive plan" for flooding isnow needed, as he called for a halt to constructing houses on flood plains.

He said that much more needed to be done to prevent flooding, alleviate carbon emissions through habitat restoration and returning flood plains to a natural state, adding: "Building homes on flood plains must stop."

He said: "The government needs to ask itself since Parliament declared a climate emergency what is it doing differently on flooding, on protecting our communities.

"Austerity's had a devastating impact on our environment, there have been unprecedented cuts to our local authorities across the country, including those councils that have been most affected by the increased flooding and increased risk of flooding.

"The Environment Agency's seen its staffing levels fall by 20 per cent since the government came to power."

Requiring matched funding for some flood schemes he said "means poorer communities lose out compared to richer areas".

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 17:56

Motorists drive under fallen tree during Storm Ciara

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 18:22

Repeat flooding 'completely unacceptable', Tory MP says

A Tory MP has branded it "completely unacceptable" many constituents flooded during Storm Ciara were also victims of the 2015 Boxing Day floods.

Philip Davies spoke out as Theresa Villiers, the environment secretary, made a statement in the Commons on the government's response to flooding over the weekend.

Mr Davies thanked Ms Villiers for her time and support following the floods, but added: "As I told her, many of my constituents who were flooded over the weekend are exactly the same people who were flooded on Boxing Day in 2015 which really is completely unacceptable.

"Can she assure me that the flood defence programme that the Government has in place will ensure that my constituents in Shipley won't have to suffer this fate yet again?"

Ms Villiers replied: "Well I'm afraid there can be no absolute guarantees on flooding, but what I can assure him is that the Government is determined to press on with its major investment in our flood defences to better protect thousands of homes and businesses across the country."

There would be, she added, a "fresh look to make sure that everything possible is being done to keep those flood defence projects on track for delivery".

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 18:37

Ed Miliband brands government assistance 'inadequate'

Ed Miliband, Labour's former leader and former secretary of state for energy and climate change, has described government assistance for flood victims as "inadequate".

He said: "Three months on from the floods that hit my constituency in November, many people are still suffering, still out of their homes and I'm afraid Government help for those particularly without insurance, despite promises made, is inadequate."

The Doncaster North MP called on Ms Villiers, the environment secretary, to "look again" at matched funds, adding: "Although the government has said it is making up to £1m available, itself a measly sum compared to the need, that money is not being released because £600,000 has been raised from local businesses and people, but it doesn't reach the million.

"This is penny pinching, narrow minded and wrong."

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 18:58

Car falls into sinkhole in Essex as Storm Ciara batters UK

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 19:18

Wind, snow and ice warnings remain in place

Although Storm Ciara has now passed the UK, warnings for wind, snow and ice remain in force, the Met Office has said.

Samuel Osborne10 February 2020 19:38

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