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Magazine's penis image covered up

Glenda Cooper
Wednesday 27 July 1994 23:02 BST

W H SMITH has banned the August edition of Britain's only widely distributed feminist magazine because the cover features a computer- generated image of an erect penis, writes Glenda Cooper.

After taking legal advice, the publishers of Everywoman have covered all copies delivered to newsagents with black and white bags, bearing the message: 'We regret that under the Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981 we are unable to display our cover image.' John Menzies has agreed to sell the covered version and bookshops will sell it uncovered.

Everywoman, which has a circulation of 15,000, says it put the image on the cover to link with a discussion of female erotica inside. Louisa Saunders, the editor, said: 'We intend it to be thought- provoking about the different messages of the female image and the male image.'

A spokesman for W H Smith said: 'We know our customers well. We didn't want to upset people when we sell so few copies anyway.'

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