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Brexit march: '1 million' Put It To The People protesters stage historic rally for a second referendum

See how we covered the day's events live

Adam Forrest
,Zamira Rahim
Saturday 23 March 2019 21:01 GMT
Femi Oluwole chats to Put it to the People marchers

Some one million people were estimated to have joined the Put It To The People march in central London today, organisers said.

Organised by the People’s Vote, Britain for Europe and Open Britain, protesters demanded the public be given a final say on the Brexit process.

Campaigners seeking a second referendum started in Park Lane at midday before gathering at Parliament Square for a series of speeches, with demonstrators tailing back through the route shown on aerial footage.

On stage Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson addressed Theresa May's own speech this week when she told voters fed up of Brexit that "I am on your side".

He said: “Have a look out of the window prime minister. Open your curtains. Switch on your TV. Here are the people. Theresa May - you don’t speak for us.”

And Michael Heseltine told marchers that the EU represented "parliamentary democracies working together with power based on a shared sovereignty far in excess of anything any one of us could achieve individually" over decades.

People came from across the country to join the demonstration. Sorcha Kirker, 27, travelled from Orkney and told The Independent: "This is too important to miss because of something like geography. It’s our future."

The march took place as Ms May fought to stay in office, with ministers reportedly plotting to oust her. In a letter to MPs she did not guarantee that she would bring her deal back to the Commons for a third meaningful vote, amid suspicions it would fail to pass again.

See below how we covered the march live:


In the most loudly cheered part of his speech, Lord Hesletine said: “One way or another, you the people must decide. You the people must be free to vote to remain.”

(Photo: PA)

Adam Forrest23 March 2019 17:05

The Independent’s editor Christian Broughton addressed the Parliament Square rally this afternoon, praising the “great passion and integrity” of young people campaigning for a Final Say. You can watch his remarks here:

Adam Forrest23 March 2019 17:14

Gina Miller says today's march shows that the tide of public opinion is turning against Brexit.

She describes the protest as "a groundswell so great that it can no longer be ignored in a fully functioning democracy."

Read more here:

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 17:26

Simon CalderThe Independent's Travel Correspondent, has been out and about at the march today.

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 17:30

Femi Oluwole, a campaigner who has repeatedly called for a People's Vote, took to the stage today in Parliament Square to put his case to a crowd of thousands.

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 17:37

Doctors were out in force at today's march in London. 

Chaand Nagpaul, chair of the British Medical Association addressed protesters in Parliament Square earlier in the day.

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 17:51

The House of Commons remains deeply divided but today MPs from all parties spoke to the protesters flooding the streets.

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 17:56

Jess Phillips, the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, has said the Put it to the People march was one of the "nicest" she has ever attended.

"I was worried about taking my kid to #PutItToThePeople," she said after the protest.

"I have to consider his safety and our security but there was not even the tiniest sign of trouble.

"The nicest march I ever attended."

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 18:05

The Independent's political columnist Andrew Grice believes that a Final Say referendum on Brexit could be the way out of the current parliamentary gridlock.

"There are real signs that voters want to think again in the light of the facts about what Brexit really does mean which have emerged since 2016," he writes.

Read his analysis here:

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 18:19

Thousands of activists cheered as Michael Heseltine, former Conservative deputy prime minister, spoke at the march on Saturday.

The Tory peer criticised Theresa May over her leadership and said she bore "a heavy responsibility for our present crisis”.

The Independent's political correspondent Ashley Cowburn was watching Lord Heseltine's remarks.

Read his thoughts on the speech here:

Zamira Rahim23 March 2019 18:36

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