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Brexit news latest: DUP dismisses Michel Barnier proposal as Theresa May says EU withdrawal could be cancelled if deal rejected

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Ashley Cowburn
Political Correspondent
,Lizzy Buchan,Adam Forrest
Friday 08 March 2019 17:10 GMT
Theresa May on Brexit: without a deal 'we might never leave the EU at all'

Theresa May pleaded with her EU counterparts to give ground in a key speech just days before MPs vote on her Brexit deal.

Speaking in Grimsby on Friday, the prime minister said “no one knows” what will happen if her plan is rejected, warning Brexiteers: “We may never leave at all”.

Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier reacted to Ms May’s speech in a series of tweets. He said the UK would have the unilateral right to leave the customs union, but also made clear Northern Ireland would have to stay inside it.

However, the apparent concession was dismissed by the DUP as neither “realistic nor sensible”. Brexit secretary Stephen Barclay suggested the EU plan was simply a return to an earlier version of the backstop which had already been rejected.

Ms May accused Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of supporting “a divisive second referendum that would take the UK right back to square one”.

Mr Corbyn fired back by warning the prime minister not to make a third attempt to ram through her deal if it’s defeated next week, saying it must be “the end of the road”.

Here's how the day unfolded:

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A source in Theresa May’s government has said Downing Street is “not impressed” by Michel Barnier’s gesture on the customs union, Reuters is reporting.

And a DUP source has described the EU’s chief negotiator move is a “non-starter”. A party spokesperson said Mr Barnier’s proposal to leave the UK leave the backstop unilaterally – but keep Northern Ireland inside it – showed “no respect to the constitutional and economic integrity of the United Kingdom,” according to Sky News.

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 18:27


Jeremy Corbyn has said the prime minister should not make a third attempt to pass her Brexit deal if it’s defeated next week, saying it must be “the end of the road”.

Here’s Rob Merrick with more on the Labour leader’s speech to party activists in Dundee.

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 18:37

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 18:42

The Brexit secretary Steve Barclay also appears to have dismissed Mr Barnier’s proposal, referring to “old arguments” in his latest tweet.

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 18:50

We now have official confirmation the DUP rejects Michel Barnier’s proposal on the backstop - Britain can leave the customs union unilaterally, but Northern Ireland must stay inside it.

“This is neither a realistic nor sensible proposal from Michel Barnier,” the party’s deputy leader Nigel Dodds, said in a statement.

“It disrespects the constitutional and economic integrity of the United Kingdom. We need to work for a sensible deal which can work for everyone in Northern Ireland. It is possible but there must be less intransigence in Brussels.” 

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 18:59

The Northern Ireland secretary Karen Bradley is still dealing with the fall-out from remarks she made about the Troubles this week.

Although she has apologised, Patrick Cockburn thinks her comments reveal the British political class’s “disregard” for Irish politics.

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 19:07

More on Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to Labour activists in Scotland. He has insisted he is “utterly determined” to rid his party antisemitism, as he urged his warring party to unite behind him in a bid to win power.

“Racism, religious bigotry and misogyny have no place whatsoever in any part of our movement. And we will root out antisemitism in our party, and in society at large. And I am utterly determined to achieve that.”

He told the audience in Dundee: “The only thing that can hold us back is if we were to turn our fire on each other rather than on the Tory government and the wealthy establishment interests they represent.”

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 19:33

Lord Falconer has told the Labour leadership he would not lead an investigation into the party’s handling of antisemitism claims while the Equalities and Human Rights Commission is also ready to examine into the issue.

He told the Jewish News this evening: “In light of the commission coming in, I think we’ve got to put it on hold, see what the commission is going to do.

“If they are minded to do an investigation, they will have a range of statutory powers to get documents, emails, Whatsapp messages and witnesses, and they will do an investigation that will be completely independent from the Labour Party.

“So there is no point in me, with my firm of solicitors, coming in and doing exactly the same thing because it won’t carry the same degree of statutory support as the commission has.”

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 19:41

Leave EU co-founder Arron Banks broke an agreement to suspend Brexit campaigning after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, according to an investigation by Channel 4 News.

He ordered his team to “up the spend” on Facebook and “press it harder”, emails obtained by the programme reveal.

Here’s Rob Merrick with more details.

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 19:53

Jo Cox’s husband Brendan Cox has reacted to tonight’s Channel 4 News investigation into Arron Banks.

“It’s sad and disappointing that at a moment when the country was united in profound shock, a handful of people were seeking to take political advantage of her killing,” he said.

“This isn’t a reflection on Brexit or Brexiteers, it is a reflection solely on the people involved.”

Adam Forrest8 March 2019 20:16

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