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As it happened: Jeremy Hunt replaces Boris Johnson as foreign secretary following shock departure

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Ashley Cowburn,Tom Embury-Dennis
Monday 09 July 2018 22:44 BST
David Davis quits as Brexit Secretary

Boris Johnson has been replaced as foreign secretary by Jeremy Hunt following the former London mayor's shock resignation from the cabinet over Theresa May's Brexit strategy.

The long-serving health secretary was summoned to Downing Street at the end of a dramatic 24 hours, which saw the resignations of Mr Johnson and Brexit secretary David Davis - both prominent Eurosceptics - and junior Brexit minister Steve Baker.

Matt Hancock has been appointed as the new health secretary, while former attorney general Jeremy Wright has replaced Mr Hancock at the department for digital, culture, media and sport.

A Downing Street spokesman said: "This afternoon, the prime minister accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary.

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"His replacement will be announced shortly. The prime minister thanks Boris for his work.”

It comes after David Davis resigned as the Brexit secretary after a major row with the prime minister over plans for the future UK-EU relationship.


Boris Johnson has warned the "Brexit dream is dying" in an explosive resignation letter where he told Theresa May that Britain would be left as a "colony" of the EU.

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 18:39

Amid chaos in the Parliament, US president Donald Trump has just fired off a warning to the EU, and by extension the NHS. 

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 18:44
Adam Withnall9 July 2018 18:55

Nigel Farage has announced in an op-ed for The Telegraph that he will have "no choice" but to return as Ukip leader unless Theresa May reverses her "great Brexit betrayal". 

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 19:10
Adam Withnall9 July 2018 19:20

Another resignation! This time a parliamentary private secretary at the Department for Transport.

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 19:38

Here's Theresa May's letter accepting Boris Johnson's resignation, in which she says she was a "little surprised" by the former foreign secretary's decision to quit.

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 20:06

And another resignation, this time Boris Johnson's PPS in the foreign office.

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 20:08

Fair to say Tory MP for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, Simon Hart, isn't impressed by his colleague's resignation this evening. 

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 20:14

For our non-UK readers, this is probably a succinct take on Theresa May's letter to Boris Johnson following the foreign secretary's resignation.

Adam Withnall9 July 2018 20:16

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