For the person who has everything this Christmas: A box of nothing

They've already sold out

Christopher Hooton
Thursday 11 December 2014 17:06 GMT

Boxes containing nothing are now on sale for between €34 and €134, apparently ideal for Christmas and designed to remind the recipient that they already have everything they need.

"You have everything. You need nothing." The (very pretty) website declares, selling unremarkable cinder blocks in either white or black.

Nothing doesn't come cheap though, with the block starting at €34, though amazingly they've already sold out.

There's also a deluxe nothing option priced at £199, all proceeds from which will go to Oxfam.

Nothing comes in white and black (YouNeedNothing)

Somewhere between infuriating and ingenius, You Need Nothing is the brainchild of a group of designers trying to promote a philanthropic spirit.

The product follows on from the NoPhone, which was released in October and is just a cuboid of smooth, cold plastic, designed to keep you connected with the real world.

Stopping people from ruining dates, getting distracted at concerts and clogging up sidewalks, the tongue-in-cheek 'phone' "acts as a surrogate to any smart mobile device, enabling you to always have a rectangle of smooth, cold plastic to clutch without forgoing any potential engagement with your direct environment".

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