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Stare at your desktop no more with stunningly simple life hack

Tired of looking at your monitor? Look through it (sort of)

Christopher Hooton
Friday 11 July 2014 16:50 BST
Ideally you want a better view than this
Ideally you want a better view than this (prc41)

Life hacks and tips to streamline how you computer are ubiquitous online, but every now and again one comes along so obvious you can't understand why you haven't been doing it all along.

This is one of these.

Change your desktop wallpaper to a photo of what's behind it and it's like you're looking out a window.

Of course you're still technically staring at pixels, but this might lighten that feeling of your eyes boiling in their sockets that you get after spending too long staring at your screen all the same.

"I got sick of looking at my desktop, so now I look through it," the inventor of the trick wrote on Reddit, though it would probably work better if you had a nicer view.

A window seat would be preferable too, as things could get awkward if a colleague sits directly behind your monitor.

Actual transparent monitors have been in production at Samsung for over three years but have yet to really take off, despite being absolutely everywhere in the future (at least according to most sci-fi films).

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