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Zimbabwe - as it happened: Emmerson Mnangagwa inaugurated as President while Mugabe barred from attending

Jon Sharman
Friday 24 November 2017 08:54 GMT
Emmerson Mnangagwa is sworn in as new President of Zimbabwe

Emmerson Mnangagwa has been inaugurated as Zimbabwe's new President.

Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans gathered at Harare's National Sports Stadium for the swearing-in event, following the ouster of Robert Mugabe.

Former defence chief Mr Mnangagwa is just the second president in independent Zimbabwe's 37-year existence.

Mr Mugabe had sacked the incoming leader as vice president, leading the country's army to move against him.

Mr Mnangagwa was a key Mugabe confidant for decades until they fell out because of the presidential ambitions of Mr Mugabe's wife, Grace. Despite his long association with the government, Mr Mnangagwa has promised democracy.


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South Africa's Jacob Zuma has congratulated Mr Mnangagwa and said he hopes he will guide Zimbabwe through transition.

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 10:11

84ba006c-5f31-4cdb-812f-4fceddcb0434.jpgEmmerson Mnangagwa is sworn in as Zimbabwe's president in Harare (Reuters) 

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 10:16

The newly-inaugurated President is currently looking on as a band entertains the crowd.

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 10:48

He is now about to address the nation.

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 10:54

"I feel deeply humbled by the decision of my party, Zanu-PF, inviting me to serve our great nation," he says

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 10:59

"I'm not oblivious the the many Zimbabweans from across the political, ethnic and racial divide who have helped make this day and have legitimate expectations from the office now I occupy," he adds.

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 11:03

Mr Mnangagwa says he wants to pay tribute to Robert Mugabe. "He led us in our struggle for national independence, he assumed responsibilities of leadership at the formative and a very challenging time at the birth of our nation," he says.

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 11:06

"I must hit the ground running" when it comes to dealing with Zimbabwe's problems, Mr Mnangagwa admits

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 11:09

He calls for a "different, positive direction" for Zimbabwe and says past divisions should stay in the past. "Let bygones be bygones," he adds, "greatly embracing each other in defining a new destiny".

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 11:11

He adds: "The task at hand is that of rebuilding our great country. It principally lies with none but ourselves to do so."I implore you all to declare that never again - never again - should the circumstances that have put Zimbabwe in an unsufferable position be allowed to occur."

Jon Sharman24 November 2017 11:16

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