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California wildfires: Camp Fire kills 42 to become deadliest in state history as Trump approves major disaster declaration

Fires across state have killed 44 in total with hundreds still missing

Clark Mindock
New York
,Chris Riotta,Samuel Osborne
Tuesday 13 November 2018 04:24 GMT
California fire officials give update on Woolsey wildfire

The total death toll from wildfires across California has risen to 44, after 13 more people were found dead in what is now the deadliest single fire in state history.

The blaze dubbed Camp Fire in northern California has incinerated more than 7,100 homes and businesses - particularly in the town of Paradise. Its death toll exceeds that of the Griffith Park Fire in 1933, the deadliest wildfire on record in California. At least 228 people were still missing, according to Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea.

Speaking on CNN, Mr Honea said that while he holds out hope that many people listed as missing will turn up safe, “given what we’ve dealt with so far with casualties as a result of this fire, I have concerns that it [the death toll] will rise”.

Late on Monday, President Donald Trump approved a major disaster declaration for the state, which will allow it to access more federal funds. Mr Trump said he "wanted to respond quickly", although calls for the declaration have been coming for a number of days.

Hundreds of thousands of evacuation orders have been issued, while countless residents have shared images online of missing loved ones, begging people to help them find displaced relatives and friends.

In southern California, the Woolsey Fire has scorched at least 91,000 acres and destroyed 370 structures. At least two people have died in that fire, and more than 57,000 buildings still at risk.

You can find our latest report on the California wildfires here. For more on how the events of Monday unfolded, please see our now-closed live blog, below.

Please allow a moment for the liveblog to load


Los Angeles fire department officials said the Woolsey Fire had grown over 91,000 acres and was just 20 per cent contained on Monday afternoon. The figures surrounding damaged structures wasn’t immediately clear. 

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:20

Update: At least 370 structures have been damaged or lost in the Woolsey Fire. Those numbers could likely change as the fire continues. 

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:23

“As far as 100 per cent containment, we’ll be out here for the next week or two trying to mop this fire up,” a Los Angeles Fire Department official said. 

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:23

Officials say there is a high possibility of new embers and blazes due to the red flag conditions across the state. 

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:24

Fire officials have a simple message for locals surrounding the new embers that could start due to the conditions: “If there is a fire in your neighbourhood, do not wait for an evacuation — leave.”

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:26

The Los Angeles fire department chief responded to a question about Donald Trump, saying, “We’re in extreme climate change right now,” 

He added, “I personally find that statement unsatisfactory, and it’s very hurtful for all first responders who are putting their lives on the line … I would complete my comments there.”

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:28

Here are three of the main takeaways from today’s press conference: 

The cause for California’s deadliest wildfire remains under investigation

Officials responded to Trump’s attacks: “We’re in extreme climate change right now … I personally find that statement unsatisfactory, and it’s very hurtful for all first responders who are putting their lives on the line.”

New fires could start and winds could make current wildfires more extreme. Evacuate before awaiting orders and take caution when returning home.

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:30

The press conference has concluded, with no additional media appearances with officials scheduled for today.

Chris Riotta12 November 2018 19:32

Butte County fire department, one of the areas affected by the fires have tweeted an interactive map of evacuation areas.


Chris Stevenson12 November 2018 19:47

A number of people have been trying to track down relatives, Barbara Hall is one of them.

She been calling shelters and the sheriff's office hoping to find out whether her aunt, Arlene and her husband Paul Bickel made it out of their home in a retirement community in the town of Paradise.

So far, Ms Hall has had no luck, according to the Associated Press. Her relatives are in their 80s and 90s and Ms Hall isn't allowed into Paradise to see if their car is in front of a house that may no longer be standing. 

Ms Hall asks: "Did they make it in their car? Did they get away? Did their car go over the edge of a mountain somewhere? I just don't know." 

Chris Stevenson12 November 2018 20:03

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