Dog gets head stuck in tyre – emergency services roll into action

Quite how she got her head into a tyre remains unclear

Michael Segalov
Sunday 19 July 2015 17:14 BST
(Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department )

Firefighters in Indianapolis have rescued a dog from an unknown fate, after the pooch got its head stuck in the rim of a tyre.

Jessica Arnold, a 20-year-old woman from the Indianapolis, state capital of Indiana, was heading home from work when she stumbled upon the female pit bull mix, who she knows as Jimma, in the sticky situation.

(Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department)

According to the Indianapolis Fire Department’s Facebook page, Arnold found the dog stuck in the rim of a tyre “which sits as junk on a neighbouring property.”

“Having no idea how long the dog had been stuck, she loaded it into her car and drove to the neighbourhood firehouse.”

As the canine was unloaded from Arnold's boot, the emergency services rolled into action, wheeling out their best machinery for the job.

(Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department)

A medial assessment made by the fire department at the time suggests that “the dog’s airway was never compromised and the dog appeared otherwise ok." Although she was visibly shaken when arriving at the fire station, she was passed over to the department so they could get to work.

According to the fire department, Station 5 members tried using liquid soap and oil for 10 minutes, but couldn't get the Jimma out.

Soon after, Station 14's tactical team arrived on the scene to help free Jimma from the wheel, whilst firefighters tried, and failed, to free her using small vehicle extrication tools.

(Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department)

Finally, by using a tool that cuts brake pedals on cars, firefighters were able to make several substantial cuts in the rim. This then allowed the rescuers to complete the job, taking them over an hour to get the rim removed.

Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department
Facebook/Indianapolis Fire Department

Whilst Arnold might have seen Jimma around the neighbourhood before the incident, it appears ramming her head into a tyre was exactly the sort of behaviour needed to make Arnold commit to taking the dog in long term. Arnold has informed the fire service she will be adopting the until now stray dog, and they are both now said to be “very happy” with their new living arrangements.

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