Kenyan lawyer offers flock of cows to wed Obama's daughter

The love-struck lawyer plans to propose during the President's trip to Kenya this July

Siobhan Fenton
Thursday 28 May 2015 09:52 BST

A Kenyan lawyer has offered Barack Obama a flock of livestock in return for his eldest daughter’s hand in marriage.

Felix Kiprono revealed to The Nairobian newspaper his plans to put the proposal to Mr Obama in person during the US President’s visit to Kenya, which is due to take place in July. He is offering 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats in exchange for Malia’s hand in marriage.

He said: “I am currently drafting a letter to Obama to please have Malia accompany him for this trip," according to Sky News.

Mr Kiprono went on to outline the matrimonial bliss he is offering the 16 year old: “I will teach Malia how to milk, cook ugali (porridge) and prepare mursik (traditional sour milk) like any other Kalenjin woman.”

He explains that his love for Malia began during her father’s presidential campaign in 2008 and he has been saving himself for her ever since. He explained to the newspaper: “I got interested in her in 2008. As a matter of fact, I haven’t dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her.”

Mr Kiprono has dismissed any suggestion that his love interest might be financially motivated, “People might say I am after the family’s money, which is not the case.”

Mr Obama is due to visit Kenya- the country of his father’s birth- in July to attend a global entrepreneurship summit. It will be his fourth visit to the country and his first trip to Kenya since his election as President.

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