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Democratic debate - winners and losers : Kamala Harris goes after Joe Biden over race comments as healthcare, gun control and the migrant crisis dominate event

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The second Democratic debate is over with the ten remaining candidates preparing for tonight's showdown.

California senator Kamala Harris confronted Joe Biden​ over his record on race, while the former vice president also took shots from candidates over his age and establishment credentials.

The other candidates taking part tonight were: Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper​, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg​, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet and Eric Swalwell.

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Kamala Harris on race:

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:08

Ms Harris went after Mr Biden there, saying he supported "racist senators". Mr Biden looked stunned as he defended himself.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:10

“I do not believe you are a racist,” Ms Harris says. But she says it was personal and hurtful to hear Biden talk about his relationship with segregationist Republicans.

Harris then criticizes Biden’s historic opposition to busing minority students to better school district.

“And that little girl was me,” Harris says.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:16

Chuck Todd asked Sanders if he believed diversity wasn't an important principle in Democratic politics.

"Absolutely not," Mr Sanders replied. "Unlike the Republican party, we encourage diversity, we believe in diversity. That's what America is about."

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:16

Here is some video on Harris: 

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:17

Mayor Pete Buttigieg admitted that his police force in South Bend lacked diversity because he “couldn’t get it done.”

South Bend, Indiana, has been in turmoil over the last two weeks after a white officer shot a black man during an altercation earlier this month. The police have alleged that the black man was breaking into cars and wielding a knife.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:18

Onto Roe Vs Wad, Gillibrand tries to regain some ground.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:20

The New York senator, saying it was "mind-boggling" that Democratic presidential candidates were debating abortion rights in 2019

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:23

We are on a break and time to catch-up with an important section on climate change.

Joe Biden is asked if he can tackle the crisis without the support of Congress.

He says he and Barack Obama, not the first time he has been sure to play up his links to the former administration -  built the largest wind-farm in the US. He added he would rejoin the Paris climate accord.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:32

Although some are not happy with the amount of time it got.

Chris Stevenson28 June 2019 03:34

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