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Democratic primary results: Joe Biden defeats Bernie Sanders in key states, making him clear frontrunner

Former VP wins crucial victories as six states hold contests to select nominee to face Trump

Chris Riotta
New York
,Alex Woodward
Wednesday 11 March 2020 04:13 GMT

Joe Biden won victories in four states in the latest crucial round of voting during the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries.

The former vice president and current front-runner entered Tuesday's elections after skyrocketing in polls across the country — projections showed him winning in virtually every state on the map on 10 March. Those states include North Dakota, Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, and Washington.

He ultimately won in Michigan, a state that Bernie Sanders narrowly won in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. In 2020, the state emerged as a battleground for black and white blue-collar voters as well as suburban moderates.

In the South, Mr Biden continued his winning campaign with older black voters.

Meanwhile, all eyes are on Mr Sanders as his campaign seemingly hangs in the balance.

Late-reporting states North Dakota and Washington will likely give Mr Sanders a share of their small delegate pool, though Mr Biden is projected to win in Idaho.

The senator's supporters were hoping to see some upsets, or at least cobble together enough delegates to keep his campaign viable in the race, while Mr Biden carries the delegate lead as the two men prepare for a one-on-one debate on Sunday followed by more primary elections, with voters in half the US still unaccounted for.

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Amy Klobuchar celebrates Joe Biden's victories

The senator is celebrating Biden's "M" state winning streak -

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 01:45

Bloomberg and Warren may have aided Biden against Sanders

It seems like support for the two candidates - who have since dropped out - may have been crucial in the former vice president's victory against the Vermont senator in some counties:

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 01:55

Andrew Yang endorses Joe Biden

The former 2020 contender made the news live on CNN, where he now works as a contributor, telling the outlet: "I believe that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee and I've always said I'm going to support whoever the nominee is ... So I hereby am endorsing Joe Biden to be not just the nominee for the Democratic party but the next president of the United States."

He added: "The math says Joe is our prohibitive nominee."

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:00

Trump endorses football coach over his own former attorney general

Talk about no love lost....the president announced his support for Tommy Tuberville, a prominent Alabama football coach, over Jeff Sessions for his former seat in the US Senate on Tuesday night, writing on Twitter: "Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville) is running for the U.S. Senate from the Great State of Alabama. Tommy was a terrific head football coach at Auburn University. He is a REAL LEADER who will never let MAGA/KAG, or our Country, down! Tommy will protect your Second Amendment (which is under siege), is strong on Crime and the Border, and truly LOVES our Military and our Vets. He will be a great Senator for the people of Alabama. Coach Tommy Tuberville, a winner, has my Complete and Total Endorsement. I love Alabama!"

Story to come...

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:12

Bernie Sanders won't speak, campaign says

Bernie Sanders campaign has stated the Vermont senator will not be speaking tonight, as early results appear to show former Vice President Joe Biden with a clear lead and several projected victories in key battleground states participating in tonight's crucial votes.

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:20

More from Faiz Shakir, Bernie's campaign manager, in a fundraising email:

The first polls closed a short while ago. But please know this: once again, tonight’s results are going to get better for us as the night goes on. We expect to do well out west where the polls close late, and Michigan may not even come in until tomorrow.

And no matter what the pundits on television are saying tonight, the super PACs and the political establishment will be looking to see what happens when the votes are all counted — how many states we win, and how many states Biden wins.

And if we do well tonight, they are going to come at us with even more money than they spent to try to beat us in the first number of states. It will make the millions we’ve faced down look like child’s play.

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:25

Incredible divisions between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden's supporter demographics

This Michigan exit poll via CNN shows just how many young people vote for Bernie Sanders, while the older generations support former Vice President Joe Biden:

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:30

Elizabeth Warren's team rallies behind Bernie Sanders

The letter comes just five days after Ms Warren, once considered a potential frontrunner in the Democratic primaries, dropped out of the race. It was published as voters in six battleground states participated in primaries across the country following last week’s Super Tuesday — with Mr Sanders fighting to maintain his campaign against Mr Biden’s newfound frontrunner status. 

“Elizabeth ran a campaign on intersectional policy issues like Medicare for All, a Wealth Tax, a Green New Deal, cancelling student loan debt, providing universal free college, expanding Social Security, legalising marijuana at the federal level and erasing convictions, and raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour,” the letter read. “Now that Elizabeth has told us that her campaign is concluded, we know that she is considering how to best continue the fight for big, structural change. We respect that process and trust that she, as she always does, will do what is best to advance this movement.”

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:45

Joe Biden celebrates his victories with an address to supporters

The former vice president said on Tuesday night: "I want to thank Bernie Sanders and his supporters for their tireless energy and their passion. We share a common goal. And together, we will defeat Donald Trump."

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 02:56

Biden focuses on Trump and unity in celebratory speech 

Here are some of the former vice president's key lines:

"Donald Trump's America First policy has made America alone."

"I want to thank Bernie Sanders and his supporters for their tireless energy and their passion. We share a common goal. And together, we will defeat Donald Trump."

"We are better than this moment we are in. We just need to remember who we are: This is the United States of America, there is not a single thing we can’t do together."

"Winning means uniting America. Not sewing more division and anger."

Chris Riotta11 March 2020 03:10

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