Confessions of a Republican: Democrat campaign advert from 1964 is eerily relevant to today's GOP nomination race

“Now it seems to me we're up against a very different kind of a man. This man scares me.”

Charlie Atkin
Thursday 10 March 2016 15:37 GMT
1964 Republican advert is eerily relevant to today

A US election advert dating back to 1964 has gone viral after bearing uncanny similarities to the current state of America’s Republican Party.

Titled ‘Confessions of a Republican’, an actor, Bill Bogert, can be seen expressing his concerns over election candidate Barry Goldwater, whose conservative views were alienating liberal Republicans.

The most eerie lines sound like they could be lifted straight from the political discussion of today, as Donald Trump becomes ever nearer to being a candidate for the 2016 presidential election.

This week's question was 'Could Donald Trump become US President?' (Getty Images)

After declaring himself a lifelong Republican, the actor goes on to say ‘when we come to Senator Goldwater, now it seems to me we're up against a very different kind of a man. This man scares me.’

Other than overall fears over what such a conservative President would bring to the country, other lines appear to pinpoint precise concerns over Trump’s platform today.

Addressing supporters of the right-wing candidate

“A friend of mine just said to me, "Listen, just because a man sounds a little irresponsible during a campaign doesn't mean he's going to act irresponsibly."

At the last Republican debate, Trump was repeatedly pressed to reveal an off-the-record conversation he had with The New York Times, in which it is alleged he suggested a much softer approach to immigration.

The candidate’s willingness to contradict himself

“A reporter will go to Senator Goldwater and he'll say, "Senator, on such and such a day, you said, and I quote, 'blah blah blah' whatever it is, end quote." And then Goldwater says, "Well, I wouldn't put it that way." I can't follow that. Was he serious when he did put it that way? Is he serious when he says I wouldn't put it that way? I just don't get it. A President ought to mean what he says."

Many commentators have highlighted Trump’s tendency to contradict himself, perhaps none better than when Stephen Colbert had the billionaire debate himself, (jump to 3:44 for the debate’s start).

Concern over his endorsements

“I mean, when the head of the Ku Klux Klan, when all these weird groups come out in favour of the candidate of my party — either they're not Republicans or I'm not.”

Trump recently refused to reject the endorsement of David Duke, leader of the Klu Klux Klan, despite having condemned him publicly before. He has since blamed a faulty earpiece for his remarks during the controversial interview.

As seen in the full version of the advert below, history appears to be repeating itself. Although the individual policies may differ, concerns over a certain candidate’s approach feels very similar.

“I wish I could believe that he has the imagination to be able to just shut his eyes and picture what this country would look like”

The advert was made in support of President Lyndon B. Johnson, who would go on to win the election, and the actor involved has since told reporters his concerns were genuine.

“No, I certainly did not vote for Barry Goldwater. I voted for Lyndon Johnson. Ask me how long it’s been since I voted for a Republican.”

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