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Connecticut primary: Jahana Hayes moves one step closer to becoming state's first black Democrat in Congress

The governor's race is considered wide open, with Republicans not having held the office since 2010

Kimberley Richards
New York
Wednesday 15 August 2018 05:06 BST
US Primaries: What are the key races as four US sates vote in primary elections?

The biggest race in Connecticut was supposed to be the governor's race - but an ex-teacher has stolen the headlines by moving one step closer to becoming the state's first black Democrat in Congress.

In western Connecticut's 5th congressional district, Ex-Teacher of Year Jahana Hayes has won Democrat nod for the Connecticut House seat left by Democrat Representative Elizabeth Esty is not seeking re-election to the House.

Businessman Ned Lamont has defeated Bridgeport major, and ex-convict, Joe Ganim. Mr Lamont's victory comes 12 years after he defeated US Senator Joe Lieberman in a Democratic showdown, only to lose the general election when Mr Lieberman ran as an independent. That race was seen as part of a national referendum on the Iraq War.

However, Republicans believe they have a good chance of winning the governor's seat back after losing control in 2010. Control of the narrowly divided General Assembly is also in play, especially the state Senate, now equally split between Democrats and Republicans.

For the GOP, it was David Stemerman, Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, the party's endorsed candidate; Tim Herbst; Madison businessman Bob Stefanowski; and Westport tech entrepreneur and former US Navy officer Steve Obsitnik. Mr Stefanowski eventually won through.

Small-business owner Matthew Corey has won the Republican nomination for US Senate in Connecticut and will face an uphill battle against Democratic Senator Chris Murphy.

In Tuesday's primary the Manchester Republican defeated Dominic Rapini, a national accounts manager for Apple computers.

Mr Corey is a US Navy veteran and owner of a Hartford pub and a window-washing business. As of the end of July, Mr Corey had raised about $31,000 in campaign funds compared with nearly $13.5 million for Mr Murphy.

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Minnesota state Senator Karin Housley has easily won the state's Republican primary in a race to finish Mr Franken's Senate term.  

Ms Housley faced no major challengers when launching her campaign in the days after Mr Franken announced his resignation over allegations of sexual misconduct. 

She will face Senator Tina Smith

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 02:44

A former aide to House Speaker Paul Ryan has won the Wisconsin Republican primary race to replace him.  

Bryan Steil over five other competitors. Steil far outraised his opponents and secured the backing of prominent donors and Republicans, including Mr Ryan.  

He will face either Randy Bryce or Cathy Myers in November. 

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 02:57

Minnesota state Rep. Ilhan Omar, the nation's first Somali-American legislator, has won a crowded Democratic primary to replace Rep. Keith Ellison in Congress.  

Omar's victory Tuesday all but ensures she'll set another historic mark as the first Somali-American in Congress. Minnesota's 5th Congressional District includes Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs that tilt heavily Democratic.  

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 03:06

Wisconsin state schools chief Tony Evers has won the Democratic primary for governor and will face Republican Governor Scott Walker in November.  

Mr Evers emerged from a field of eight candidates in Tuesday's primary.  

He was the only candidate to have won election statewide before and now faces his biggest challenge against Walker. 

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 03:11

Democrat Keith Ellison has won the Minnesota Attorney General primary, just days after abuse allegations surface.

Mr Ellison recently denied allegations of domestic abuse made by his ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan. 

The accusation surfaced days before the election when the son of Ms Monahan posted online that he had seen angry text messages from Mr Ellison to his mother and a video that showed him dragging Ms Monahan off a bed. 

Lucy Anna Gray15 August 2018 03:27

Former Meriden Mayor Manny Santos has won the Republican nomination for the U.S. House seat being vacated by Connecticut Rep. Elizabeth Esty of Connecticut, who came under fire for her handling of a sexual harassment case in her office

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 03:36

A Wisconsin state senator and close ally to Governor Scott Walker has defeated a former Marine who cast himself as a political outsider in the state's Republican primary for US Senate.  

Leah Vukmir beat Kevin Nicholson in Tuesday's primary and now advances to face Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin.  

Ms Vukmir won the endorsement of the Wisconsin Republican Party and the backing of most prominent GOP officeholders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan. She ran as the proven conservative in the race, pointing to her long voting record in support of Republican priorities.  

Both she and Mr Nicholson ran as strong supporters of President Donald Trump.  

Mr Nicholson failed to overcome his past as a Democrat. He also lost despite millions more being spent on his behalf by outside groups. 

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 03:56

Madison businessman and political newcomer Bob Stefanowski has won the Republican primary for Connecticut governor, defeating four fellow GOP contenders.  

The 56-year-old former General Electric executive promoted his ability to turn around struggling companies and dubbed himself "Bob the Rebuilder" in his campaign advertisements.  

Mr Stefanowski was the second-biggest spender in the campaign primary, trailing only former Greenwich hedge fund manager David Stemerman  

Mr Stemerman and former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst questioned Mr Stefanowski's Republican pedigree, noting he became a Democrat only to switch back to the GOP shortly before announcing his candidacy for governor.  

Mr Stefanowski was the first to launch a major TV ad campaign in the race. He has called for eliminating the personal income tax.  

Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy is not seeking a third term. 

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 04:06

Democratic Representative Tim Walz has won a three-way primary for Minnesota governor.  

Mr Walz leveraged his rural Minnesota connections and a geographically balanced ticket to defeat state Rep. Erin Murphy and Attorney General Lori Swanson in Tuesday's primary. Mr Walz is leaving Congress after six terms representing southwestern Minnesota. 

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 04:13

Former state Representative Joe Radinovich has won a crowded Democratic primary to replace retiring US Representative Rick Nolan in a northeastern Minnesota swing district.  

Mr Radinovich defeated Representative Jason Metsa, longtime former news anchor Michelle Lee and others on Tuesday. Mr Radinovich served one term in the state House and managed Nolan's 2016 re-election campaign.  

It sets up another hard-fought general election in what has become one of the most expensive and competitive congressional districts in the country. Mr Radinovich will face Pete Stauber, a St. Louis County commissioner and retired Duluth police officer. Mr Stauber has been endorsed by President Donald Trump.

Steve Anderson15 August 2018 04:30

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