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Trump's children listed by investigators as probe into White House intensifies

President says he will comply with major probes from Democratic-controlled committees

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Monday 04 March 2019 21:58 GMT
Trump hugs American flag launches attack on 'bull****' Russia probe in CPAC speech

Donald Trump said he would cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee’s sweeping investigation into his White House, campaign and businesses after the probe was announced on Monday.

When a reporter asked him Monday if he was going to cooperate with the investigation led by Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, the president replied: “I cooperate all the time with everybody. You know, the beautiful thing, no collusion. It’s all a hoax.”

The committee has sent requests to 81 people linked to Mr Trump and his associates. Mr Nadler said on Monday the investigation will be focused on possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power. That list features the president's own children, including Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump, though it does not request information from Ivanka Trump.

Mr Nadler said Monday’s document requests are a way to “begin building the public record” and the committee has the responsibility to investigate.

The aggressive, broad investigation could set the stage for impeachment, although Democratic leaders have pledged to investigate all avenues and review Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report before taking drastic action.

Meanwhile, three house committees in total are asking the White House and the State Department for any information on private conversations between Mr Trump and Vladimir Putin, including an interview with an interpreter who sat in on their one-on-one meeting in Helsinki last summer.

The broad requests from the House intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Reform committees ask for the substance of Mr Trump and the Russian president’s conversations in person and by phone, as well as for information on whether those conversations had any impact on US foreign policy.

The committees are also asking whether Mr Trump tried to conceal any conversations.

The committees asked for interviews with “linguists, translators or interpreters” who in any way listened to those conversations. Mr Trump and Mr Putin met privately in Helsinki in July for more than two hours with only interpreters present.

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Here's more from the House Judiciary Committee's requests sent today to the president's family members, business and inner circle. The Democratic-controlled committee is seeking documents from Donald Trump's 2020 campaign manager, his children, the White House and the Trump Organisation, among others: 

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 16:41

Donald Trump is facing major blowback online after a new explosive report published Monday detailed the relationship between the president and his favourite news outlet from the beginning of his campaign onward:

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 17:00

Below is a complete list of the 81 requests made by the House Judiciary Committee today in regards to its ongoing investigations surrounding Donald Trump's financial dealings and alleged criminal conduct: 

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 17:20

In announcing the new requests to at least 80 entities on Monday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said “investigating these threats to the rule of law is an obligation of Congress.”

“We have seen the damage done to our democratic institutions in the two years that the Congress refused to conduct responsible oversight,” he said. “Congress must provide a check on abuses of power."

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 17:40

Donald Trump has suggested he will comply with demands put forth by the House Judiciary Committee for a slate of documents from the White House, Trump Organization and other entities, telling reporters, “I cooperate all the time with everybody.” 

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 18:02

The White House has tweeted the following message about immigration along the US-Mexico border as news of ongoing Democratic-controlled investigations continue to dominate the headlines surrounding Donald Trump: 

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 18:22

Donald Trump’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels could have first been reported by Fox News during the 2016 election — possibly derailing his shot at the presidency — had the network’s leadership not wanted him to win the White House. 

The report, titled “The Making of the Fox News White House” and published by journalist Jane Meyer in The New Yorker on Monday morning, looks at the relationship between the president and his favourite news outlet from the beginning of his campaign onward. 

Ms Meyer added new revelations to previous claims made by FoxNews.comreporter Diana Falzone, who previously sued the outlet for gender discrimination. Ms Falzone has claimed a story she reported in 2016 about Mr Trump’s alleged affair with the porn star and resulting illegal hush money payments made thereafter was never published by Fox News

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 18:43

Donald Trump once again claimed there was “no collusion” between his campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election while hosting the North Dakota State Bison national champion team at the White House, where fast food was catered:

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 19:03

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke to reporters on Monday about what the Democratic-controlled House Oversight Committee may be looking into in the coming months ahead. 

“While [President Trump's] talking collusion, collusion, collusion, I think, in Oversight, we should be talking about taxes, taxes, taxes, and his bank account, his bank account, his bank account.”

“His financial statements, statements, statements,” she added. 

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 19:23

Here's more video of the president addressing athletes at the White House today before serving catered fast food, in which he took a shot at the Democratic Party and slammed investigations against him as a "political hoax":

Chris Riotta4 March 2019 19:43

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