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Trump news: Released impeachment testimony describes Ukraine quid pro quo, as White House chief of staff called to testify

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Zamira Rahim,Chris Riotta,Clark Mindock
Tuesday 05 November 2019 20:29 GMT
Donald Trump jokes about serving 21 more years in office

A key witness has agreed to cooperate with congress’ impeachment inquiry, as the president faces increasing congressional scrutiny over his behaviour.

Lev Parnas, an indicted businessman who has been linked to the Ukraine scandal is prepared to provide testimony and records to congress, his lawyer said.

Mr Parnas has close ties to Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.

The news of Mr Parnas's plan to participate came on a busy day in Washington, including revised testimony from US ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who described an effort by the Trump administration to secure a quid pro quo in Ukraine.

The amended testimony essentially reversed his previous testimony on the matter, and prompted the White House to claim that nothing had changed — and maintain that there was no quid pro quo, or anything concerning about his 25 July phone call with Ukraine.

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Joe Scarborough, MSNBC host and former Republican congressman, is hitting Donald Trump where it seems to hurt the president most: the polls -

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 15:30

An associate of Rudy Giuliani who was involved in a campaign to pressure Ukraine into aiding Donald Trump’s political prospects has broken ranks, opening a dialogue with congressional impeachment investigators and accusing the president of falsely denying their relationship.

The associate, Lev Parnas, had previously resisted speaking with investigators for the Democrat-led impeachment proceedings, which are examining the president’s pressure attempts in Ukraine. A former lawyer for Mr Trump was then representing Mr Parnas.

But since then, Mr Parnas has hired new lawyers who contacted the congressional investigators last week to notify them to “direct any future correspondence or communication to us”, according to a copy of the letter.

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 15:50

In case you missed Donald Trump's appearance in Kentucky last night, here's The Independent's Andrew Buncombe with more:

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 16:10

Former 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is encouraging Americans to head to the polls during several elections across the country today - while hitting out at Donald Trump: 

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 16:38

One year from the 2020 election, Donald Trump trails some potential Democratic rivals in head-to-head matchups, with his national support level fixed at about 40 per cent, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The new poll highlights the degree to which most of the country already has made a judgment about the president's performance and its voting preferences next year. Among the 39 per cent of registered voters who approve of Mr Trump's job performance, Mr Trump is winning at least 95 per cent support against each of five possible Democratic opponents. But among the 58 per cent of voters who disapprove of Mr Trump, he receives no more than 7 per cent of support.

Former vice president Joe Biden, senator Bernie Sanders and senator Elizabeth Warren run strongest against the president nationally, with Mr Biden leading by 17 points (56 per cent to 39 percent), Ms Warren by 15 points (55 per cent to 40 per cent) and Mr Sanders by 14 points (55 per cent to 41 per cent). 

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 16:50

Donald Trump is tweeting about new reports of a power-sharing agreement in Yemen that could lead to an eventual end to the massive conflict engulfing the country:

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 17:10

Donald Trump is continuing to encourage Republicans in states holding elections today to go out and vote after visiting Kentucky last night for a rally in support of the local GOP candidates: 

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 17:30

Netflix has introduced a button that lets viewers skip jokes about US president Donald Trump on a new comedy special from Seth Meyers.

The comedian and chat show host’s new comedy special, titled Lobby Baby, sees him take aim at the president, whom he previously branded a “racist gargoyle”.

Meyers told CNN Business that it was his idea to introduce the feature, deeming a politics joke-avoiding button as “a funny and innovative way” to “take advantage of the Netflix experience”.

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 17:50

A new report indicates Donald Trump contacted Summer Zervos at least six times by phone following accusations from the former Apprentice contestant that she was sexually assaulted by the president in 2007. 

Donald Trump has alleged all accusations of sexual misconduct. 

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 18:03

Here's some background on other evidence seemingly supporting Summer Zervos' claims: Excerpts of Donald Trump’s private calendar from a dozen years ago appear to show he was at a Beverly Hills hotel around the same time a former Apprentice contestant alleges he assaulted her there.

Email exchanges from 2007 also released on Thursday show that Summer Zervos had sought a lunch meeting with Mr Trump in New York around the time she claims he kissed her inappropriately in that city.

The calendar records and email correspondence came to light in court filings related to Ms Zervos’ ongoing defamation lawsuit against Mr Trump in New York state court.

Ms Zervos is one of about a dozen women who accused Mr Trump of sexual misconduct shortly before the 2016 election, and her case could reach its conclusion before voters return to the polls next year.

Chris Riotta5 November 2019 18:15

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