United against Isis: Which countries are doing what?

The nations helping out in the struggle against Islamic State

Sebastian Payne
Friday 26 September 2014 10:47 BST
The USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) launches a Tomahawk cruise missiles in the Red Sea, to conduct strike missions against Isis group targets in Syria
The USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) launches a Tomahawk cruise missiles in the Red Sea, to conduct strike missions against Isis group targets in Syria

Britain will today vote on whether to join US-led air strikes against Isis militants in Iraq.

If the UK decides to take action, it will join Arab nations and countries in Europe who have participated in air strikes or offered support as part of President Obama's coalition to "degrade and ultimately destroy" Isis.

Mr Obama claims over 40 countries have offered to assist the campaign to tackle the militants, saying "this is not America's fight alone".

But in what has been described as the "coalition of the unwilling", many countries remain cautious about directly confronting Isis.

The measures taken by allies listed by America as 'aiding international efforts to tackle Isis' is explained below.

Iraq Authorised France and the United States to use its airspace and has welcomed the coalition’s support in the country’s fight against Isis. The Iraqi government requested US air strikes.

Lebanon Will not provide troops or weapons as the country is engaged in its own battle with Isis. Instead, it hopes to receive help to fight the organisation.

Jordan Destroyed a number of Isis targets with air strikes this week. Jordan has also worked to “strangle” the sources of funding for extremists and terrorists.

Bahrain Carried out air strikes against Isis this week.

Saudi Arabia Participated in air strikes this week. Saudi Arabia has frequently condemned Isis and has donated $100m to the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre and $500m in humanitarian aid.

UAE Participated in air strikes this week and has given $500m in aid to Iraq.

France Last week bombed a military logistics warehouse in Iraq used by Isis. The French also have carried out reconnaissance flights over Iraq, and France has vowed to take part in future air strikes “if needed”. To date, France has sent 59 tons of humanitarian cargo to the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, with additional deliveries expected soon.

Germany Has sent about 40 paratroopers to Iraq to provide training to Kurdish fighters. Germany is also sending 16,000 assault rifles, armoured vehicles and hundreds of anti-tank weapons. Some Kurdish fighters also are being trained in Germany. The Defence Minister has said Germany will provide weapons to arm 4,000 Kurdish soldiers – as well as 36 tons of humanitarian aid.

Canada Has deployed “several dozen members” of the Canadian Armed Forces to Iraq. The air force delivered 503,000lbs of military supplies for Iraq. Canada has also contributed $15m to support security measures in the region.

Britain Supplied arms to the Kurds and contributed aerial surveillance. Britain gave £1m in weapons and ammunition. Parliament was recalled today to seek approval for a sustained bombing campaign against Isis. About £23m has been committed to aid.

Australia Has agreed to deploy a “military force to the region” for air strikes in Iraq. Special forces troops are advising Iraqi forces. Australia has provided $5m in humanitarian aid to Iraq as well as aircraft, early-warning systems and military stores.

Italy Sent $2.5m in weaponry as well as humanitarian aid. It has no plans at present to take part in air strikes but has offered to help in refuelling aircraft.

Czech Republic Provided fighter jets and 500 tons of ammunition to Iraq. Also contributed $1.5m in humanitarian aid.

An Isis militant fires a heavy machine gun during fighting near the threatened city of Kobane
An Isis militant fires a heavy machine gun during fighting near the threatened city of Kobane (AFP)

Albania Provided weapons and ammunition to Kurdish forces. Earlier this month, Albania said it would provide up to 22 million rifle rounds and 32,000 artillery shells to Kurdish forces.

Netherlands Provided 1,000 helmets and 1,000 bulletproof vests for Kurdish forces, as well as $10m in humanitarian aid. It said Wednesday that it would deploy six F-16 warplanes against Isis in Iraq.

Estonia Donated one million machine-gun rounds and $90,000 to support displaced Iraqis.

Hungary Provided “several million” cartridges and “thousands” of mines and armour-piercing shells. Hungary has also sent a $90,000 in aid package to Christians in Irbil, Iraq.

Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey will “give the necessary support to the operation. The support could be military or logistics.” More than 100 trucks with $1.9m in humanitarian aid have travelled to assist Turkmens in northern Iraq since June. Turkey has also built a camp for 20,000 Iraqi Turkmens.

Belgium The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Belgium is “positively inclined to contribute” militarily. Belgium has sent 13 tons of aid to Iraq.

Denmark Provided a transport aircraft to support the international efforts.

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