Boring, boring Blackburn?


Mr J. Roberts
Thursday 06 April 1995 23:02 BST

From Mr J Roberts

Sir: I think it was disingenuous of Guy Hodgson to represent the "chorus of disapproval" from Everton fans at Goodison on Saturday as evidence that Blackburn Rovers would be the "least applauded champions of the last two decades". The Evertonians' anger was surely fuelled by their team being pushed further towards relegation and by a penalty claim that was controversially but - according to later TV evidence - correctly turned down.

As for the attractions of the Rovers team, it is true they do not yet play with the flair that Manchester United sometimes achieve, but they have many qualities that do not just endear them to the grateful people of Blackburn, but should impress neutral lovers of the game. In spite of having the most effective striking partnership in the country they are neither pretentious nor arrogant, and Shearer and Sutton work as hard as any member of the team.

It is not just Jack Walker's money that has brought success, but the response of Kenny Dalglish, the manager, and his team to this good fortune. Money can be destructive of character and commitment, but in the case of Blackburn it seems to have engendered an unswerving and unselfish dedication to the good of the team, and an unbreakable determination. Combine this with even occasional brilliance - and one strike or visionary pass from Shearer can itself be worth more than the price of admission - and you have a team worthy of admiration.

And as for love, Jack Walker was motivated by nothing less, I would have thought, when he gave £50m to the team he has supported since his boyhood. I am sure that he was not thinking about the team's merchandising potential.

Yours faithfully,


St Albans, Herts

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