The real fitness problem

James Lawton
Tuesday 10 December 2002 01:00 GMT

Suggestions that Andrew Flintoff's fight for fitness before the ever-broadening disaster of the Ashes tour was less than draconian in its spirit brought a fierce backlash from Darren Gough, English cricket's other high-profile invalid.

Now Gough is linked with Flintoff in a charge that their rehabilitation at the National Sports Centre in Lilleshall was not a model of strength through self-denial.

It has been reported that the England and Wales Cricket Board is to probe the behaviour of both players. While the game's domestic ruling body is at it, it might come up with an explanation for the absurd decision to send two half-fit players to compete with arguably the most dedicated, ruthless and consummately professional team in the history of professional sport.

If it can manage to do that, we might just finally be engaging the real problem.

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