Golf: Torrance will take Ryder reins for Europe at Belfry

Wednesday 01 December 1999 00:02 GMT

SAM TORRANCE is expected to be declared the new European Ryder Cup captain today. The Scot acted as one of Mark James' assistants in the dramatic defeat in Boston in September and appears certain to take over for the match at The Belfry in 2001.

It was at the Sutton Coldfield course 14 years ago that Torrance, with tears in his eyes, sank the putt which put the trophy in European hands for the first time since 1957. He has always been viewed as the favourite to take over from James the moment the match at Brookline ended.

Torrance was highly critical of the American player, Tom Lehman, when some of the home side charged on to the 17th green before Jose Maria Olazabal had the chance to cancel out Justin Leonard's 45-foot putt.

Qualification for Europe's 2001 team does not start until next September.

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