GCSE results day 2015: What to expect and how to prepare for your grades

Jack Wallington, community director for The Student Room, advises students on how best to prepare in the run up to grades being revealed

Jack Wallington
Thursday 20 August 2015 09:12 BST
(Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

If you’re collecting your GCSE results today, the date will probably mark the first time you’ve ever picked up formal exam results.

The grades you get will provide you with important qualifications and help you progress onto A-levels or further study. There’s no getting away from the fact that it can be a stressful day – so it’s good to be as relaxed and ready as you can.

Staying calm

If you’re feeling anxious about results day, it’s important to look after yourself, even in the hours before. When you’re feeling stressed, getting some exercise can help clear your head. It doesn’t have to be a massive gym session – just a quick jog or a brisk walk will do the job.

Look out for what you’re eating as well. Steer clear of junk food and aim for healthy food such as nuts and veggies. It will help keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel and keep your head clear.

With the school routine a distant memory, late nights, by now, could have easily become the order of your day – and it’s no fun feeling half-asleep on a day when you really need your wits about you. Hopefully, you’ll have had some early nights in the run-up to today, so your sleep pattern gets back to normal. You’ll have some important days ahead now too, so take this advice on board.

On the day

On the day, make sure you pack your mobile phone so you can give your parents a call after getting your results.

Tip: As you reveal your results to them, read the grades from lowest to highest. Pack a bottle of water and some tissues. Make sure you’re not running on an empty stomach – grab a bit of breakfast before you head down to school.

Decide where you want to open your results. Imagine your best and worst case scenario and think about whether you’re happy to experience whatever ‘success’ or ‘failure’ means to you on your own or with friends.

Some students can disappear to a toilet cubicle to open their results, while others rip them open in front of their friends and teachers. Everyone’s different, so make sure you’re not peer-pressured into opening your results with friends if you’re not feeling comfortable or confident.

It’s best to be somewhere at school to open your results, so you can get advice from your teachers if you need it. But you can always take them home to open them if you prefer.

You might find there’s a photographer from the local newspaper who wants to get snaps of celebrating (and commiserating) students. If you’re camera shy and private, you’ll want to avoid the hustle and bustle.

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