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Angry Birds 2: sequel available on iOS App Store and Google Play Store, six years after original

After 13 spin offs and six years, the first proper sequel has arrived

Andrew Griffin
Thursday 30 July 2015 15:00 BST

Angry Birds 2, the first official follow-up to the immensely popular 2009 game, has been released on iOS and Android.

Since the first Angry Birds was released in 2009, its makers have released a huge range of updates, including Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Space and Angry Birds Epic, as well as tie-ins with other franchises like Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds Star Wars. But Angry Birds 2 is the first update with a number — despite not necessarily bringing as many changes as other updates.

Rovio Entertainment, which makes the games, said that the new game adds the option to let players choose which bird they fling and when, adding an element of strategy. The pigs that serve as the game’s enemies also have been updated, bringing with them new constructions that are harder to knock down.

Angry Birds 2 is already available on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store for download now. The game is free to play, but offers in-app purchases once it is downloaded.

Angry Birds 2 saw a “soft launch” in Canada in March, under the name Angry Birds: Under Pigstruction. Since then, the company has been testing the game and gathering feedback from players, it said.

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