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The most popular Diggs: WikiLeaks, unanswered emails, cat vs internet

Tuesday 14 December 2010 01:00 GMT
(All rights reserved)

The most popular news, videos and images as picked by Digg users during the last seven days, recorded on December 14.

1. Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths - an article in Australian newspaper The Australian written by WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange stating that "WIKILEAKS deserves protection, not threats and attacks."

2. Visa & MasterCard: KKK Is A-OK, But Wikileaks Is Wicked - an article that suggest MasterCard and Visa were "pressured into no longer working with Wikileaks" while still accepting credit card payments on the Ku Klux Klan's website.

3. Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks On House Floor - a video of Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul defending WikiLeaks and whistle-blowers.

4. Why some emails go unanswered - The Oatmeal - a cartoon explaining why some emails never get a response.

5. Cat vs Internet - The Oatmeal - a cartoon of a cat trying to win its internet-addicted owner's attention.

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