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We are using travel agents less than ever when booking airline flights

Relax News
Thursday 26 November 2009 01:00 GMT

A new survey has suggested that travel agents continue to lose market share in flight bookings.

The data, released by food and travel surveyor Zagat, reveals that a mere 8 percent of today's flight bookings are conducted using travel agents, falling from 17 percent in 2007 and almost a quarter four years ago.

In contrast, 64 percent of flight bookings are conducted online, a rise from 60 percent in 2008 and 55 percent in 2005. These numbers reveal that consumers are overwhelmingly using the airline's website to make their booking, with specialist travel websites such as Travelocity and Expedia not showing any growth, holding steady at around 15 percent for three years. Only 4 percent of travellers called and made the booking in person.

The study was the fourth annual survey of this kind by Zagat, which polled 5,895 international travellers. Unsurprisingly, this year's poll showed an overall decline in air travel, with 33 percent of respondents flying less often.

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