Sweet victory

Friday 17 January 2003 01:00 GMT

It will be a relief to all that the Great European Chocolate War is finally over. The Italians and the Spaniards can get on happily with the business of not selling British chocolate, just as the French are busy not importing British beef. We, on the other hand, can now get back to the even more important business of eating the stuff without being constantly reminded to look at the list of ingredients.

It will be a relief to all that the Great European Chocolate War is finally over. The Italians and the Spaniards can get on happily with the business of not selling British chocolate, just as the French are busy not importing British beef. We, on the other hand, can now get back to the even more important business of eating the stuff without being constantly reminded to look at the list of ingredients.

It is bad enough knowing that chocolate will give you spots or put your metabolism in a spin without having to go into all the detail about cocoa butter, cocoa solids and vegetable fat. Who needs to know the precise percentages of what? This is where ignorance really is bliss.

Eat a bar – or an early egg – to celebrate a fine British victory in Europe. After this, can the euro be far behind?

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