The crisis in Ukraine deserves the PM’s attention – but it will not save him

Editorial: The Ukraine crisis couldn’t be more real and the UK has an important role to play, both in deterring Russian aggression there and in bolstering the defence of Nato members

Sunday 30 January 2022 21:30 GMT
(Brian Adcock)

Boris Johnson is a man in whom the personal and the national interest always intermingle freely, but his visit to as yet unspecified destinations in eastern Europe cannot be entirely dismissed as a publicity stunt to distract from Partygate.

The Ukraine crisis couldn’t be more real and the UK has an important role to play, both in deterring Russian aggression there and in bolstering the defence of Nato members who may soon find themselves uncomfortably sharing a direct border with a Russian puppet regime in Ukraine – treaty allies such as Estonia, Poland and Hungary. Like most places east of the old Iron Curtain, they still have a vivid memory of life under Russian domination.

If the prime minister’s visits to the region help to reassure them of British resolve and assistance, then that is all to the good. The provision of defensive weapons to Ukraine and Nato allies, along with the deployment of troops in Estonia, seems entirely appropriate; such measures would not be under consideration were it not for past and present Russian aggression, including cyberattacks.

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