Brazilian site offers fake Facebook girlfriends to lonely hearts


Thursday 17 January 2013 11:57 GMT
(Getty Images)

The number one best thing about love is - as Facebook-ers know - the freedom it bestows on rational people to post PDAs and sweet-nothings all over their significant other's timeline. But if you're alone come Valentines day and desperate for that special joy, fear not. For just $40 a Brazilian site is offering to create fake Facebook girlfriends for single men, and for that price these "ladies" will drop a giga-ton of love all over customers' profiles.

The service, provided by, includes comments and relationship statuses to cover 30 days of whirlwind romance.

It advertises the benefits as twofold: "impress your friends" and "gain confidence with women".

But what other reasons might prompt an investment? Maybe you want to spook an ex, suggests Mashable, or perhaps seemed just that little bit too personal.

At the least, NamoroFake removes the need to date. So log on and find a horribly depressing mirage of love!

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