John Bolton’s book reveals more of Trump’s true nature – yet Boris Johnson is happy for Britain to partner with him

The prime minister has been clear he wants to 'Make Britain Great Again' – but this is not the way to do it 

James Moore
Thursday 18 June 2020 13:22 BST
Trump says John Bolton should be prosecuted for publishing his book

The latest revelations from a former insider within Donald Trump's administration, this time arch neo-con national security John Bolton, are already being dismissed as lies spun by an embittered former aide.

Dan Scavino, who possesses a very long title signifying a role in the White House, tweeted: “There is nothing worse than a disgruntled, arrogant, egotistical, and all around miserable warmonger who gets fired from their job, and goes to write a book with classified information — while being paid millions of dollars for it. Someone changed their tune, once he was FIRED!”

GET IN WITH THEM CAPITALS DANNY BOY! The MAGA crowd will cheer those, a favourite device of President Trump

And no, Trump didn’t ask China for help with getting re-elected, just as he didn’t ask Russia for help with getting him elected in the first place. Four more years, FOUR MORE YEARS.

The Donald really wasn’t kidding when he said he believed he could shoot someone on New York’s Fifth Avenue and get away with it. With about forty per cent of Americans, he probably could.

But it is starting to feel like, yes, maybe the fires burning around this latter day Nero may actually consume him if not the Dan Scavinos of this world. They always survive.

All this raises a question for Trump’s "Mini Me" on this side of the pond. I speak, of course, of Boris Johnson. Trump is angling to sell us the chlorinated chicken and hormone treated beef raised by US farmers and yet you’re still serious about hitching your wagon to this guy? A trade deal with this president is the pot of gold at the end of your Brexit rainbow?

In my mind’s eye I can see a lecture hall full of future history students hearing about this and shaking their heads in disbelief. "Professor, you're having us on aren’t you. Can we get back to the real story given we’re paying £60k a year for this course."

No, kids, it’s true. That actually was the grand plan. Johnson’s even taken to vomiting forth Twitter screeds. Remember the one about statues that completely missed the point when the Black Lives Matter protests broke out here?

MBGA - Make Britain Great Again elicits a second rate acronym for our second rate Trump wannabe - and the crowd lapped that up too. There are plenty of Dan Scarvino clones here, just as there are plenty of Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh clones willing to serve as shills.

Awful, said the rest of the world, looking at the scenes across the pond. Well, yes, but, golly, um Britain, Transatlantic Alliance, history, statues. Um. Um. Trade deal. Eyes on the prize. Trade deal.

In an attempt to get back a tiny percentage of what we’ve lost through Johnson’s Brexit bungling, we’re going to be Mr Smee, desperately running around after Captain Hook even when the crocodile’s eaten him and the rest of the world’s run away from his twisted Neverland.

Dominic Cummings is supposed to be an indispensable political genius but he can’t apparently appreciate the danger inherent in hugging what is essentially a giant orange porcupine. Perhaps it’s because the quills are small?

But of course, he is political genius compared to some of the nodding dogs in Johnson’s cabinet.

Consider what Dominic Raab, the deputy prime minister and foreign secretary, said in an interview with Talk Radio: “I understand this sense of frustration and restlessness that it driving the Black Lives Matters [sic] movement.

"I've got to say, on this taking a knee thing, I don't know, maybe it's got a broader history but it seems to be taken from The Game of Thrones [sic], feels to me like a symbol of subjugation and subordination rather than one of liberation and emancipation.”

Yes, future history students, he actually said that and Johnson actually gave him one of the great offices of state.

Raab, you may recall, used to be a lawyer. If it came down to a choice of representation by him or a kangaroo named Hoppy working in the office next door, well, Hoppy, could you tell me your hourly rate these days?

It’s a scary thought that while 40 per cent of the US electorate mightn’t be enough for Trump, even with America’s daft electoral college working in his favour, it might do Johnson. That is, I imagine, what Cummings, and Raab and the rest of the rubes, are relying upon.

Things is, stuff enough chlorinated chicken stuffed down the MGBA crowd’s throats and at least some of them may work it out. Recall what they did after five years of John Major, and Johnson makes Major look like JFK.

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