Letter: Aphrodisiac that's ahead by a nose

Dr Henrietta Lawrie,Others
Monday 10 October 1994 23:02 BST

Sir: Liz Hunt's report 'Coming soon - the ultimate spray-on aphrodisiac' (7 October), quoting the experience of some of the nurses at Homerton Hospital, illustrates the danger of relying on anecdote.

While the original British Medical Journal report did indeed refer to the use of oxytocin sprayed up the nose, the experiences at Homerton Hospital relate to another, non-prescription medication which is applied to a far more sensitive region of the anatomy - thereby producing an effect that may be described as 'dynamite'.

In the search for the ultimate female orgasm, we would not wish readers of your newspaper to be misinformed or, even worse, disappointed.

Yours faithfully,


Department of Respiratory Medicine

Homerton Hospital

London, E9

10 October

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