Letter: Gays and the law

Graham Young
Wednesday 15 October 1997 23:02 BST

Sir: The decision of the Government to oppose at the European Court the application of former servicemen for redress following dismissal from the armed forces on account of homosexuality is to be much regretted (report, 13 October). To deny citizens of this country the opportunity to defend it with their lives if necessary is a matter for shame. All the servicemen concerned had excellent records and in times of shortfall in recruiting it is absurd to lose people of this quality.

I served in the late Sixties in the RAF and narrow-minded people who bring up the "sharing the showers" argument are talking claptrap. There were many men who were gay and many who were straight and it made not the slightest difference when it came to doing the job - and the job in South Arabia in 1966/7 was awful.


Newbury, Berkshire

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