Letter: How to address a PC problem

Sir: There is plenty of room on even a small envelope to write the names Glenda Kelly and Graham Miller, and that is how we would address our Christmas card to them. Our daughter celebrates her late father's surname; and getting all three of us on the envelope can be tricky. We have had most permutations this year, including:

'The Thomas/Turnbull/Parry menage/household/family'

'A. T/R. T/R. P. old Uncle T. C. and all'

'Famiglia Thomas'

'Rosie Parry and family'

'Ali, Robin and Rosie'

The senders have not wasted time wrestling with political correctness but addressed us in a way that reflects how they view our family group. We thank them all - and the postman.

Yours faithfully,


London, SE24

21 December

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