Letter: `Ignorant' love of music

Michael Varcoe-Cocks
Wednesday 13 August 1997 23:02 BST

Sir: Adrian Jack cannot be allowed to get away with his pompous and intemperate attack on "ignorant listeners" at Evgeny Kissin's Prom (review, 12 August) who "didn't know that it's traditional in this particular work to begin the scherzo virtually attacca (played without a pause)" and "started applauding the first movement" of the Chopin Sonata. The central joy of the Proms is that there are thousands of ignorant, but passionate, listeners delighting in this extraordinary music festival. Who cares if the triumphant end of a movement brilliantly played brings a burst of applause, however ignorant? Certainly not the composers, who were used to it.

As for Mr Jack's Sturmfuhrer encouragement of the BBC to "tell audiences not to clap between movements", perhaps they would also ask concerto violinists not to re-tune, forbid audience members who have been struggling not to cough during the music from clearing their throats and sack any conductor who wipes his brow, lest any of these upsets Mr Jack's obviously very brittle concentration.


London W6

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